Paterson LifePlan Creates a roadmap for your life, through a facilitated journey that helps you gain clarity on where you are, where you want to be, and the key steps to get there.

What is the Paterson Lifeplan?

Every one of us, at one time or another, asks deep, foundational questions about identity, vocation, and purpose.

Who am I? What am I called to do? What are the right steps to get there?

Since our work began in the 1960’s, Mr. Paterson has discovered the biggest questions of life deserve an intentional, integrated process led by a guide.

The Paterson Lifeplan does just that, leveraging the power of the process we have discovered.  Together with your Guide, you’ll begin by discovering where you are and where you are supposed to go.  We will craft a tangible plan designed to get you to where you’re supposed to be to have your greatest impact.

Through LifePlan, you’ll be guided with a powerful experience to gain insights, bring clarity, and breakthrough what’s been holding you back from your destiny.

WHEN WE DRIFT has partnered with Patterson to offer their flagship experience – a 2-day facilitator-guided deep dive into all of your life: personal, family, vocation and community.  Over the last 40 years, their team of Master Lifeplan Guides have led tens of thousands of people through their signature process.  With proven tools and questions to lead you to a clear perspective, the discovery of truth, and a plan to move you towards your desired future and vision.